Just like we started this year, it’s gradually coming to an end. While some were able to accomplish most or all of their listed set goals. Others can’t even point out to a thing they had accomplished and they are wondering how long such situations would go on. Just like everyone else, they started the year with so much enthusiasm and high hopes but all of that is gone and they are about giving up on their dreams. Well, don’t give up! Life is a gift and everyday is a blessing. I had a conversation recently with a close relation about the the story of the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years in the Bible, Lets picture it this way. She bled for 12 years, she has must have moved from clinic to clinic, and even traditional homes in search of a miracle, she must have been frustrated year in and out having to live with such a terrible illness, this didn’t make her give up, she was patient, she was positive that her healing would come, she was positive about her breakthro...
Lifestyle, Food, Motherhood, Relationship, Finance, Positivity, Impactful living and above all God,