I woke up at midnight pondering on a lot of things, Nigeria most especially. I am so happy for the Americans. They wanted change and they got it, thinking ours is still some years away. Not 1, not 2, but 3 years. We are strong, there is so much happening. Inflation, rise in poverty, failed education system, poor infrastructure, no security for lives and property, no constant supply of electricity. The list is endless. The lives of the youth and future leaders are at stake. The academic body of universities (ASUU) has been on strike for months now, the negotiation for a more convenient payment platform has been unending. It's so shameful. Every day in this country is taking a risk. I honestly wish for change now. It's sad to watch this never-ending movie Nigeria. I also sincerely do not understand why a leader who once failed at his duty to lead is seeking an opportunity to lead again. Maybe I will have some relief, don't know when or how it will happen but ...
Lifestyle, Food, Motherhood, Relationship, Finance, Positivity, Impactful living and above all God,