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Positive Thinking

Hello everyone, I know it's been a while here. I have been ill but thank God I am back on my feet.I guess you all are doing great too.

I was pondering on some things so I suddenly remembered my days in the University of Ibadan- how I penned down my life goals on a sheet of paper and how I always went back to review them. Well, the good news is that most of what I actually wrote then happened and I am grateful to God for that while a few are yet to be achieved.

Before graduation, I had so many dreams and I couldn't wait for it to actualize. I would write down and set smart (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely) goals and when it doesn't happen at the set time, I would feel a bit discouraged to even think right.

One of those dreams was how my life would be like after my wedding. I will share a quick story about myself. After I got married, I felt pregnancy should happen immediately after the marriage is consummated. Having a child was of utmost importance to me not because its expected immediately after wedding but because I loved children and couldn't wait to conceive and raise mine. I always felt sad and worried at the same time and the fact that my husband and I were medically okay did not console me. Anxiety took the better part of me. All of the time I was really anxious about having a child It never happened but it eventually happened when I least expected it at exactly 1 year and 6 months after I got married, our son finally came!

You might be going through mild or tough challenges or may even be at the lowest point in your life at the moment, remain positive in your thinking. Occupy your mind with positive thoughts. Fill your life with joy and happiness and the things you expect will fall into place. Do not allow anything or anyone steal your joy.

Think positively and be anxious for nothing!

Stay positive and have a swell weekend.


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